November 26th, 2010

Innovative User Interfaces

Filed under: Talks — Ondřej Válka @ 09:05

A super-tiny talk I gave today.

To create an innovative user experience you need to embrace the latest technology together with people and their needs. Then the miracle of innovation happens.

Enjoy a few examples of innovative user interfaces.

View the rest of my presentations at Slideshare.

October 5th, 2010

Web designerʼs guide to the Web

Filed under: Talks — Ondřej Válka @ 18:18

Stage time again!

Honza Sládek and I were giving a talk at conference WebExpo 2010. We’ve been both pleased and excited by the time at the stage. Hopefully, the message has been received.

If you like the illustrations used in our presentation (a PDF file), just help yourself. I’d love to hear, if you find it useful. And thanks.

April 26th, 2010

What Would Jacob Do?

Filed under: Talks — Ondřej Válka @ 09:48

We know what’s under the hood. And we know how to polish the hood.

Pavel Maček and I were giving a short talk at last Saturday, 24th April. Delighted to announce the slides we recommend you viewing it via the SlideShare if you want to see the original version of the slides.

Thanks Optimal Workshop for the naming inspiration.