April 12th, 2011

Topic tips: talks and podcasts

Filed under: Inspiration — Ondřej Válka @ 07:34

Recent (well, kinda) talks and podcasts I find inspiring.

March 25th, 2011

Tematické tipy: knihy

Filed under: Inspiration — Ondřej Válka @ 15:56

Seznam titulů z poslední doby, které zaujaly (zatím jsem nečetl). Za doporučení díky především @givision a taky regálům v University of Portsmouth Library.

February 8th, 2011

Topic tips: people

Filed under: Inspiration — Ondřej Válka @ 10:27
  • Ian Cole is a world-class visual and interaction designer. Author of the recently praised Nike Better World. His works are highly interactive and innovative.
  • Nicholas Felton is an information and data designer from NY. Rather than information graphics designer, Nicholas is best known for several Personal Annual Reports (see the latest one) that reflect his year’s activities via graphs and maps.
  • Anne Lamott, the author of Bird by Bird, a book about writing, explains the actuality of co called “shitty first drafts“. Every design comp one produces has to start somehow. Anyhow. Therefore every first draft by ANY designer must be so shitty.
  • Holger Lippmann is a generative art guru from Germany. A brilliant intercourse of technology and fine arts. See his works at Behance.

May 25th, 2010

Notes on Pain Free Design Sign Off

Filed under: Inspiration — Ondřej Válka @ 08:51

Great talk named Pain Free Design Sign Off on handling Web site design process and clients and by Paul Boag at SXSW. Full length video is available via Boagworld.

  • Client knows his users and business. Ask him about it.
  • Client should like the web site.
  • Confrontation to collaboration.
  • Client searches for problems, designer finds the solutions.
  • Do have a strong methodology.
  • Include client early and often.
  • Educate the client why do you work in such a way.